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​Complex solutions for the ​growth of your online business!

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​Who is LightS​EO ?

LightSEO  – ​is a digital agency that can provide your business with a variety of​ light solutions ​to promote your product or service online and help you achieve your marketing goals and grow your online business.

​This is achieved by:

  • ​Site development
  • Online-store development
  • SEO promotion
  • Advertising on the Internet
  • SMM & target
  • Content marketing
  • Video production
  • E-commerce services
​Order a consultation

​Digital agency LightSEO - ​your reliable partner in the field of online business

​We have all the necessary knowledge to realize your business goals, regardless of whether you need a comprehensive development of an online store from scratch, launch of advertising, SEO promotion or related e-commerce services.

​The LaiSEO team offers you strategic marketing, web development, design, social media marketing and workflow strategy services that help companies achieve their growth goals and stay competitive in the business environment.

​Combining our expertise in strategic marketing with our deep creative experience and expertise in workflow strategy and business automation processes is where we excel and how we help clients succeed.


​Turnkey launch

​Комплексні роботи по розробці та запуску сайту та наповнення


​Turnkey launch

Перенос сайту з платформи вордпрес, 
 комплексне сео-просування


​​Turnkey launch

Перенос сайту з bitrix, комплексні роботи по дизайну та наповненню


​Turnkey launch

​​Комплексні роботи по розробці та запуску сайту


​Turnkey launch

Розробка, запуск та просування сайту з 0
"під ключ"


​Turnkey launch

​​Комплексні роботи з запуску сайту, налаштування b2b сервісу


​Turnkey launch

​​Комплексні роботи з запуску сайту, наповненню, дизайну та супровід


​​Turnkey launch

Комплексне сео-просування, супровід


​​Turnkey launch

​​Комплексні роботи з запуску сайту, наповненню та сео-просуванню



​Digital agency — is?

​Digital agency is an IT company that promotes and supports business online. Today, any business can and should be launched on the Internet. This will help to find a larger number of potential buyers through online advertising and other methods of engagement. Using digital communication channels to promote a product/service is also considered a less expensive and more effective option for an entrepreneur. As a result, a positive image of the company is formed, there is an increase in the active audience on the site, and therefore sales increase.

​What does a digital agency do?

​Digital agencies are engaged in the development of various sites, creation of corporate styles (brand as such), complex promotion and support of the site at all stages of work. The customer independently compiles a list of necessary services, including modern market trends, focusing on customer demand. Thus, the TOR is formed and agreed upon for the agency, which will continue to work on the implementation of the assigned tasks.

​​What is the difference between advertising and marketing?

Despite the fact that advertising and marketing are aimed at a single goal, they still have different ways of realizing it. Advertising focuses on the direct sale of goods/services to customers, while marketing includes a set of actions for sales: analysis of the market, audience, competitors, etc. Advertising works for the consumer, while marketing uses all the basic and additional methods of promoting a particular product.

​On which platform do we create sites?

​Everything depends on the set business tasks of a specific online resource. For launching a large online store, the Khoroshop platform is best suited, for a startup and a brand store - Shop Express. For client sites, we look for solutions based on the specific tasks and goals of your business. LightSEO guarantees the quality, modernity, multi-adaptability of your future site!

​Didn't find the answer to your question?


​Fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible!
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​Our contacts

 +38 050 05 23 996

​Mon-Fri: 10.00-19.00 
​Sat- 10.00-15.00 
​Sun - ​Weekend

​m. Mukachevo, str. Zelena 37 (Business Center, 3rd floor, 4th office)
​make way!

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